I agree, as indicated by my opening this bottle, container, or jar, as follows in connection with my purchase of any of the products from PepperSauce.ca:
I have been warned and fully understand that these products contain extreme heat and should be used and handled responsibly and used as a food additive in very small amount.

These products are to be used entirely at my own risk and I understand the potential danger if used or handled irresponsibly. That some or all of these products can cause serious injury if directly consumed, ingested or applied to the eyes, genitals or any other part of the body.

If I give any of these products as a gift I will make the recipient aware of the potential danger if used or handled irresponsibly.

I am not inebriated or of unsound mind and am fully able to make a rational decision to purchase these products and of the use of these products.

I hereby disclaim, release and relinquish any and all claims, actions and lawsuits that I, or any of my dependents, heirs, family members or legal representatives, may have against any party relating to any damage or injury that may Result, or is alleged to have resulted, from the use, consumption, ingestion, contact or other use of or from the products at PepperSauce.ca arising from the use or misuse of these products and by purchasing these products, whether for myself or as a gift, I acknowledge and agree to this fact without question.

For ordering information or inquires about prices and products please contact Jay at:

905.999.9744 or at jay@peppersauce.ca


Products are seasonal and are only available while supplies last. Prices are subject to changes.
© Copyright 2014 . Jay's Original Peppersauce . All rights reserved.